23 October 2024

Annual Conference on Human Rights of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations

  • Jorge Fernández was invited to present the results of the report Social acceptance of local renewable energy projects at the Annual Conference on Human Rights of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations.
  • The coordinator of Orkestra's Energy and Environment Lab also held meetings on renewable energies and energy policy with leading institutions such as the Japan Research Institute and the Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies.

Jorge Fernández, coordinator of Orkestra's Energy and Environment Lab, visited Japan to present Orkestra's research on the acceptance of local renewable energy projects at an event organised by the Japan Federation of Bar Associations (JFBA). A delegation from this Japanese organisation visited the Basque Country last May to learn how renewable energies are being developed in the region and how new ways of organising energy activities, such as energy communities, are being promoted. This meeting laid the foundations for the researcher's visit to Japan.

On October 3rd Fernández shared the results of the report Social acceptance of local renewable energy projects, published together with Orkestra researcher Stephanía Mosquera, at the Annual Conference on Human Rights of the Japan Federation of Bar Associations in Nagoya, and answered questions from the audience.

In Tokyo and Kyoto, he also held meetings with leading institutions such as the Japan Research Institute, the Institute for Sustainable Energy Policies (ISEP), the Federation of Bar Associations of the Kanto region and the Kiko Network, where he presented Orkestra's latest Competitiveness Reports, as well as the main lines of research of the Energy and Environment Lab. These discussions focused on fundamental issues related to the energy transition, the strategy for the development of renewable energies and sustainability, and green growth policies in the European Union.

One of the highlights of the visit was the participation of the Orkestra researcher in a session organised by the Federation for the Promotion of Zero Nuclear Power and Renewable Energy (Gen-ji-ren), where he shared ideas with several representatives of the financial and public sector, including Junichiro Koizumi, former Prime Minister of Japan.

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This visit underlines the relevance of Orkestra's work at international level and the institute's commitment to sharing the knowledge generated with a wide network of universities, associations and institutions around the world. It also opens up new opportunities for the exchange of experiences on the energy-environment transition, one of the main challenges the Basque Country is currently facing.

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