Orkestra seeks to have a real impact on dimensions that are critical for the competitive development of the Basque Country. These dimensions are those that guide the activities promoted in the 4 Research Labs, fluid spaces focused on critical areas of competitiveness in the Basque Country that facilitate connections, collaborative work, and promote transformative research processes.
Using the internationally recognised competitiveness framework for wellbeing, Orkestra carries out a dynamic diagnosis of the Basque Country and identifies its challenges. These are complex, interconnected challenges and tackling them requires the collaboration and commitment of all stakeholders in the territory, from public administration, business, academia and citizens.
Our transformative research agenda is currently focused on:
Designing and implementing inclusive regional and urban strategies.
Fostering multi-level collaborative governance and addressing its challenges.
Developing the necessary skills and training to meet the challenge of talent.
Connecting the Basque Country and its business fabric with the international community.
Rethinking the role of clusters and value chains in the current context.
Implementing new strategies for the development of SMEs.
Analysing the functioning of energy markets to understand how they affect our competitiveness.
Understanding the challenges and opportunities presented by the major transitions: (1) the energy-environmental transition, (2) the demographic-social transition, and (3) the digital-technological transition.
Given the complexity of the challenges, the Institute works daily with collaborating entities through the identification of research projects that are carried out in the 4 Research Labs.
Currently, work is being carried out on 28 research projects.