Resultados de la búsqueda

Hugo Kantis et al.

Aranguren, M. J., Larrea, M.
Valdaliso J.M, Wilson, J.R.(eds) Strategies for Shaping Territorial Competitiveness, London: Routledge


Guerrero, M., Peña-Legazkue, I.
Entrepreneurship, People and Organisations. Frontiers in European Entrepreneurship Research. pp. 27-50 DOI: 10.4337/9781783478774


Guerrero, M., Urbano, D., Gajón, E.
Hoskinson, S. Kuratko, D. "Advances in the Study of Entrepreneurship, Innovation and Economic Growth". Emerald Group Publishing Limited


Guerrero, M., Urbano, D., Salamzadeh, A.
Redford, D. Fayolle, A. Handbook of research in entrepreneurship education Vol. 4 Entrepreneurial University Handbook. Edward Elgard Publishing. pp. 163-187

Bart Kamp
International Journal of Automotive Technology and Management Volume 6, Number 2/2006 pp.214 - 235

Cowling, Keith, et al.
Institute of Economic Development Policy Discussion Paper Series, number 2006-04, University of Birmingham, 31 pages