2016 maiatza 23-27
Deustoko Unibertsitatea. Donostia.

 Doctorado Agder Research

Orkestra eta Agder-eko Unibertsitatea elkarrekin arituko dira doktoregoko ikasleei ikerketa parte hartzaile eta elkar eraginekorako metodologiei buruzko ikastaro bat ematen (Methods in Participatory and Interactive Research). Ikastaroa ingelesez emango da, Deustuko Unibertsitatearen Donostiako campusean, maiatzaren 23tik 27ra, eta 5 kreditu ECTSko (Kredituak Transferitzeko eta Metatzeko Europar Sistema) balioa izango du.

Ikastaroan jakintza akademiko berria sortzeko prozesuetan nola lan egin azalduko da, doktoregaiek askotariko eragileekin (gizarte arlokoak, politikakoak, lurraldekoak edo ekonomia arlokoak) aurrera eramandako elkarrekintza prozesuetan sortutako informazioa abiapuntu hartuta. Ikastaroaren aurkeztuko diren metodologia proposamenen artean daude ikerketa-ekintza, ikerketa parte hartzailea, elkarrizketa metodoak eta lankidetzan oinarritutako ikerketa.

Informazio gehiago ingeleraz

Teaching style

Lectures with dialogue, exercises in participative methods and interpretation of data, student presentations and discussions.

Learning objectives

This course aims to provide the student with critical insights into processes, relations and forms of participatory dialogue that are key to understanding the connection between development and technological, organisational and social innovation. Hence, the course builds on perspectives in anthropology, urban studies and communication studies as well as on more knowledge-discursive management, economic and political theory and various theories of communicative practice.

The course discusses grounded approaches to theory formation. It critically addresses participatory research and discusses the methodological challenges it presents. It discusses this in relation to standard discussions on methods like validity, reliability, and generalisation, but also in relation to trustworthiness, usefulness and reason. It positions these methods in different scientific discourses.


After finishing this course, the candidate should be able to identify different participatory methods and know how they are founded in different disciplinary traditions, and be able to discuss these methods in relation to scientific criteria.


The candidate should be able to compare participatory methods with other, more conventional, scientific methods.

General competence

The candidate should be able to develop a research design based on participatory principles and applied to a specific case.

Lecture plan

The course starts Monday 23rd May at 09.00 am, and ends at 13.00 pm on Friday 27th May.

  May 23 May 24 May 25 May 26 May 27

Theme of

the day

What is participatory research in relation to other forms of qualitative research? What does it mean to do research together with practitioners (principals)? How do we do participatory research (methods, tools)? How can we get valid data from participatory research? How to write a scientific paper based on participative research
9.00 - 13.00 Lectures and dialogue in plenary Lectures and dialogue in plenary Visit to the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and presentation of a long term action research project Lectures and dialogue in plenary

Lectures and dialogue in plenary

Summing up of the course

13.00 – 14.00


Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch Lunch
14.00 – 16.00 Student presentations and discussions Student presentations and discussions The afternoon is for individual work Student presentations and discussions  


Course literature


  • Denzin, Norman K., and Yvonna S. Lincoln (eds.) (2013). Strategies of Qualitative Inquiry. Los Angeles: Sage.
  • Blaikie, Norman (2010). Designing Social Research. Cambridge: Polity.
  • Karlsen, James and Larrea, Miren (2014). Territorial Development and Action Research: Innovation through Dialogue. Farnham, Gower.


  • Eikeland, Olav (2012). Action Research and Organisational Learning – A Norwegian Approach to Doing Action Research in Complex Organisations, Educational Action Research Journal, Volume 20 (2), 267-290, June 2012.
  • Gustavsen, Bjørn. (2004). Making knowledge actionable: from theoretical centralism to distributive constructivism. Concepts and Transformation 9:2 (2004), 147-180. John Benjamins Publishing Company.
  • Gustavsen, Bjørn. (2005). Innovation and action research. International Journal of Action Research. Volume 1, Issue 3, 2005.
  • Pålshaugen, Øyvind. (2009). How to generate knowledge from single case research on innovation. International Journal of Action Research, 5(3), 231-254.

Course coordinators

Professor Hans Christian Garmann Johnsen, School of Business and Law, University of Agder. Associate professor James Karlsen, School of Business and Law, University of Agder. Senior Researcher, Miren Larrea, Orkestra Basque Institute of Competitiveness and Deusto Business School, San Sebastian, Spain.



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