Jaime Menéndez Sánchez, Jorge Fernández Gómez
Instituto Vasco de Competitividad-Fundación Deusto
Lan honek mugikortasun iraunkor berria eta mundu osoan zehar horren inguruan ugaritzen ari diren negozio ereduak aztertzen ditu. Mugikortasun berriaren ezaugarriak azaldu ondoren, mugikortasun iraunkorrari lotutako negozio ereduak aztertzeko esparru kontzeptual bat aurkezten du. Esparru kontzeptual horrek negozio eredu ugariren ezaugarriak definitzen lagunduko digu. Eredu horien artean daude, besteak beste, mugikortasun partekatuko ereduak, IKTen kudeaketa, ibilgailu autonomoen garapena, edo errepide eta energia azpiegituren kudeaketa eta jarduna. Txostenaren azken zatian, hainbat gogoeta aurkezten dira, mugikortasun eredu berriak sektoreko galdera nagusiei nola erantzungo dien argitzeko.
This report focuses on the study of the new sustainable mobility and the business models around it that are proliferating throughout the world. Using a characterization of the new mobility as a starting point, a conceptual framework is developed for the analysis of business models in sustainable mobility. This tool is used to characterize a large array of business models ranging from shared mobility models to management of ICTs, the development of autonomous vehicles or the operation and management of energy and road infrastructures. In the last part of the report a number of considerations are made over how the new mobility model will respond to the main conundrums of the sector.