Resilience before, during and after the pandemic
Why is the Basque Country an interesting case in the international context?
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Latest edition Basque Country Competitiveness report
What is the Basque Country Competitiveness Report all about?
Why is the Basque Country an interesting case in the international context?
What role should regions play in the recovery from the pandemic?
How can we build a more resilient and sustainable economic model?
Find out the 7 keys of the Basque Country to face the future in search of a more sustainable and inclusive economic model
Four in-depth studies that underpin the Basque Country Competitiveness Report 2020
The socioeconomic impacts of COVID-19 in the Basque autonomous community
Sectoral analysis of the potential impact and recovery from the COVID-19 crisis
European regions in the face of COVID-19: a comparative look at policy measures
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