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  Mikel Moso-Diez, M., Mondaca-Soto, A., Gamboa, J.P., & Albizu-Echevarría, M.  
 IJRVET, 9 (1), 120-145.
    Keywords: Vocational Education and Training, VET, VET Systems, VET Cross-Regional and Cluster Analysis, Comparative VET Research

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The aim of this paper is to analyse comparatively, at regional level, the current state of a wide range of indicators of Vocational Education and Training (VET) at regional level in Spain. This will make it possible to characterise and better understand the existence of a variety of regional VET systems, including the Initial VET and Continuous VET subsystems within Spain, doing so under a multidimensional approach examining VET supply and demand.Knowledge intensive business services (KIBS) act as bridges of innovation in the productive fabric. Given this growing importance, the occupational structure and demand for skills in KIBS activities need to be reflected upon. 

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